Wednesday, March 4, 2009

To Rachel Maddow:

It may surprise you to learn that business like dry cleaners, tool and die makers, airlines and power companies operate in order to make a profit. Yes. I was as floored as you probably are right now when I found out that people who own companies are actually making money from producing products that people want.

My 12 year old boy asked me if he was lucky to live in a country where he has the right to pursue the dream of, perhaps, someday owning a big company, like a power company or an airline. I told him that not only was it his right, but that with hard work and dedication and a commitment to personal excellence, that dream would someday be a reality. I explained that the chances for his success increase everyday.

With every day that passes, his peers are being subjected to the philosophy that aspiring to such greatness is a greedy, evil undertaking. Everyday, children his age, the very children that he will someday compete against in the real-world job market are being indoctrinated to think that the glutenous act of running a profitable business, pales next to the sort of prosperity, security and comfort that can only be provided by the federal government.

Those children will be whining about how greedy the rich are, even though their heroes will be just like today's rich, greedy hippocrates with heavy "carbon footprints" (Oprah, Alec Baldwin, George Soros, Katie Couic, Matt Lauer etc..). So, while my son is staking his claim in tomorrows job market, yours will be curled up in the fetal position and hoping for more change.

God Bless America... and the founding principles that made her great.

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